Summer is definitely here in northwestern Louisiana. Geez! It's HOT! So, I bought my boy a pool. Mind you, it's an inflatable pool and he really can't do anything except sit in it and splash a bit in the couple of inches of water we put in there, but he seems to enjoy it.
Andrew has always loved bathtime. Ever since that first time we put him in his tub he has been a happy boy when he's in the water. In fact, the first time we put him in his tub and I poured water on his head I told Greg he looked like an old lady at the beauty shop getting her hair washed. He was just so relaxed and happy. I have always loved the water. I spent half of my childhood underwater at White Lake, I think. Mama always said when she wanted to check on me and my cousins she would just look for legs sticking out of the water -- that was us perfecting our handstands. If bathtime and pooltime are any indication, it seems Andrew takes after me.
Andrew is such a little wonder. And, sometimes such a mystery -- even now. I worked all last week to institute a nap schedule based on the newest sleep book I'd read. It completely backfired on me. The wake times were so long that Andrew was practically a zombie by the time the next nap time rolled around and his naps got increasingly shorter -- something that happens when babies are overtired. In fact, some of his naps were only 20 minutes. It was terrible! He was so pitiful! And I was running out of things to do to keep him from fussing while waiting for his next nap time.
So, I reverted back to the shorter wake times but he still wasn't napping well. Today I reached out for help on a message board and a lady suggested even shorter wake times. I did what she said and got a one hour nap out of my catnapper. I could hardly believe it. So I will definitely be trying the shorter wake times this week to see if I can get good naps consistently.
Andrew has been slow to roll, probably due to the fact that he has always loathed tummy time. He will roll from his stomach to his back, but not consistently. Last night, I heard hysterical crying while he was going to sleep and went into his room to find that the little bugger had rolled onto his stomach and couldn't get back over. He was so angry! I tried my best to get him to show me his new "trick" today but no luck. He is drooling up a storm and gnawing on anything he can get into his mouth -- including Greg's nose! So, I know there's some major teething going on. When he's on his tummy, he will push up on his arms and can get his butt up in the air. If has something to push on (like my hand) he can scoot forward, but then doesn't really know what to do with his arms, because they get stuck underneath him. It's amazing to watch him learning all these new things. His favorite new thing is eating baby food. He has tried all the veggies and he likes them all -- except peas. But I will keep trying to give him peas because I think he will learn to like them. Next, he gets to try fruits like bananas and apples. I know he will love it!
The big news at our house this week is that I have a new ride -- a minivan! I know it's not very cool and it's cliche but I love it. We had been looking around and found a couple of vans that we were interested in last week. I was worried we would get taken to the cleaners if we tried to trade in my Buick SUV so just for the hell of it I posted an ad on craigslist and we sold it to the very first person who contacted us! So, we went this weekend and bought the van. We picked it up today. Greg said there isn't anything else I can do now to yell to the world "I'm a Mommy!" But I told him there is one more thing -- I can get those little people stickers for the back of my van. Daddy, mommy, baby and doggie!